Major, world religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Sikhism appear similar in many ways because they talk about the same categories of reality such as:
- What supernatural power is there?
- What is our relationship to that supernatural power?
- What’s wrong with the world?
- What is the solution for what’s wrong with the world?
- What happens in the afterlife?
But if we are speaking about the orthodox adherents – those who do not mix the core beliefs of their religion with other philosophies – they differ on all of these categories. Here are more questions that highlight those differences:
- What supernatural power is there? Is it personal or impersonal? One, two equal and opposing forces, millions of deities, or none at all? Is the supernatural power moral or immoral or amoral?
- What is our relationship to that supernatural power? Are we that supernatural power? Are we enemies of that supernatural power and at risk of eternal judgment? Are we at no risk because that supernatural power does not judge?
- What’s wrong with the world? Is pain and evil only in our mind? Or is our sin the problem?
- What is the solution for what’s wrong with the world? Can we fix it or are we completely helpless and in need of a savior? Will everyone experience paradise/nirvana in the end or will some experience eternal torment?
- What happens in the afterlife? Do we get absorbed into anonymity? A paradise for men? Cycles of reincarnation or judgment after death?
Even within major religions there are different sects, which is further evidence that they do not all believe the same things about the supernatural.
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