There’s lots of ways to read the bible; I think the idea of hell is just the perspective of a certain group of Christians.
Have you ever looked at the bible yourself on the topic?
Are you kidding me? I’d rather go to the dentist! smile
Would you be open to looking only at what Jesus said about it? And not even all of what he said?
Hmm… I wasn’t aware Jesus said anything about hell. That doesn’t really fit with the picture I have of him.
I can appreciate that. And the bible does have example after example of his compassion, love, and sacrifice, culimnating with his voluntary execution.
Ok, I didn’t think I had these positive ideas of him for no reason.
I know it may not seem like an appealing examination, but would you be interested in seeing some of what he said?
Sure, why not? As long as I can stop when I want.
Of course! Here’s some of them…