There are so many important things to talk about! But we have a problem… lots of problems actually…
- there are nuances that can’t fit in the length of a social media post
- … memes are even worse
- also, we are afraid
- and we are proud
- we don’t have (or make?) time
- and we think too quickly (which means our thinking is sloppy)
- and to top it all off: we don’t ask enough questions
Although that last one hurts bad, it gets us really excited since there is room for more questions. We like questions.
No, we love questions.
And there are so many types of questions! Questions for understanding, questions for clarification, questions for bridge building, questions for leadership, and so many more.
In these important topics, questions can help us slow down our thinking. It can help us listen.
Although we use questions here, this site is not another brutish forum. Think of it more like a story… sort of like the old “choose your own adventures.”
But, more than that, we would like your contribution… we actually need your contribution. On the side (or bottom, if you’re on a mobile device) of each conversation is an option to suggest improvements for that conversation. Please let us know!