It’s really hard for me to imagine God condemning someone to hell when I don’t even see why he would deserve ultimate devotion in the first place.
That’s a great question.
In the eyes of many I’ve spoken with, God is very ugly: vengeful, angry, serious, controlling, killing our happiness, and just plain weird.
I’ve defintely had some of those thoughts.
I’m so sorry. It’s probably due (at least in part) to how we as professed Christ followers have failed so often.
Yeah, there’s definitely times when you all have not helped your case. But I also know that there’s people in every group who say they are a part even though they don’t really hold the views nor live the life of that group.
Thanks, that’s true enough.
If there were a God who was actually not ugly, but both loving and just, and happy and attractive beyond our wildest imagination, would you want to know?

If a God existed who was loving & just, attractive & happy, I would be interested in knowing more about him
That’s hard to imagine, but if such a god existed, I would want to know more. That’s great! It would be very meaningful for me to be with you while you explore. That’s nice… but if you start monologing I may suddenly come up with something important I need to go do....