It doesn’t seem reasonable that God could be loving or just and still send people to hell.
Ok. Hmm…
As best as I know how to explain it, hell is a secondary concept.
Hmm… I’m not sure what you mean. Are you saying secondary in terms of order or importance?
In terms of order. There are some significant ideas that lead to the concept of hell, and without accpeting those, hell won’t ever make sense.
Ah, so these would be premises?
That’s right.
Let me try to lay them out. Which of these do you resonate with the most?

Sin is not so bad as to require hell
Hell seems like an unfair over reaction. Would you tell me more? Sure. It seems like an over reaction in two ways: in terms of who really deserves it and in terms of how severe it is. So, if I understand right, hell seems unjust because of who goes there and because...
God does not deserve our devotion
It’s really hard for me to imagine God condemning someone to hell when I don’t even see why he would deserve ultimate devotion in the first place. That’s a great question. In the eyes of many I’ve spoken with, God is very ugly: vengeful, angry, serious, controlling,...
There is no objective standard of justice
[the case for no objective standard of justice clarify not talking about government laws, but bigger when we see or experience something that seems unjust, it's not really, objectively unjust. It just seems like it? what should we do with cries of injustice, whether...