It seems to me that there are plenty of happy people who are atheists. So it seems to me that ultimate meaning in life can indeed be found in material things, apart from God.
Ah yes, we do see many happy people.
Do you think all the happiness that they have is deep?
Well, that would be a stretch. I’m sure there are some who are putting on a mask to hide their sadness.
Yes… so let’s just think about the ones who are sincerely happy.
If the material is where ultimate meaning is found, could we assume that anyone who has the material thing / person / experience they are seeking will have a meaningful experience in life?

We’ll be happy as long as we have the material person / thing / experience we’re looking for
Or, put another way… anyone who has the material person / thing / experience they are seeking will remain happy as long as they have it. I don’t know if you’ve had this experience, but sometimes I have eventually been bored with a the gift or person I deeply wanted....