That’s a great question, but it’s rather hard to pin down for everyone.
Yeah, I suppose so… sort of like saying “what makes something a hobby?”
Right, it’s very subjective.
And yet it’s an important question… so many are depressed these days. And even if they weren’t, many more invest huge amounts of their time and money into areas they expect to bring meaning.
Yes, I suppose so.
Do you think it is possible to find ultimate meaning in life only in material things… apart from anything supernatural or transcendent?
I’m not sure what you mean.
Another way to put it might be like this: is God needed for us to have meaning in life?
Ah ok. And what do you mean by ‘material things’? What about experiencing of material things, such as the pleasure that comes from food or other physcial experiences?
Ah yes, that too. I should have been more clear.
Ok, thanks. Hmm…

Ultimate meaning in life can be found in material things
It seems to me that there are plenty of happy people who are atheists. So it seems to me that ultimate meaning in life can indeed be found in material things, apart from God. Ah yes, we do see many happy people. Do you think all the happiness that they have is deep?...