Does the Bible say that acting on LGBTQ desires is sinful?

Does the Bible say that acting on LGBTQ desires is sinful?

“The bible doesn’t really address the issue.” “The bible was written a long time ago in a different cultural context.” “The examples in the bible of LGBTQ were different from the monogamous relationships that the LGBTQ community...
Does the Bible say that having LGBTQ desires is sinful?

Does the Bible say that having LGBTQ desires is sinful?

The Bible says a lot about our desires. Here are some examples… They can be good (Psalm 37:4) They can be deceitful (Ephesians 4:22) They can be foolish (1 Timothy 6:9) They can be harmful (1 Timothy 6:9) Believers have influence over what they desire (Psalm...
Jesus did not rise from the dead

Jesus did not rise from the dead

I have a friend who talks about Jesus a lot and believes strongly that he raised from the dead. Oh? I don’t think he did. Do you think the topic matters very much? I’m not sure whether it even matters if Jesus rose from the dead Your content goes here. Edit or...
Jesus was a good teacher, but not God

Jesus was a good teacher, but not God

I don’t understand why Christians think Jesus was so much better than other leaders throughout history. Please tell me more? Well, Ghandi, Buddha, and many others contributed to the welfare of society. I think Jesus did as well. He was a good teacher. I just don’t...
How can we know what to believe?

How can we know what to believe?

I have been thinking about what I believe lately. Hmm… sounds like you’re getting religious. I’m actually thinking more broadly than that… beliefs about everything from science to the supernatural, relationships, investing, etc. Wow, sounds like you want to be a...
I don’t think the bible actually says a literal hell is real

I don’t think the bible actually says a literal hell is real

There’s lots of ways to read the bible; I think the idea of hell is just the perspective of a certain group of Christians. Have you ever looked at the bible yourself on the topic? Are you kidding me? I’d rather go to the dentist! smile smile Would you be open to...
It is too great a personal cost to believe in hell

It is too great a personal cost to believe in hell

If I were to adopt the view that hell is real, the costs to me would be too great. What personal costs do you have in mind? Oh wow, there are many that come to mind. If I believe in hell, then… It is too great a personal cost to believe in hell If I were to adopt the...