The very thought of hell… the suffering that would take place… the finality of it… and other things make me not even want to consider the possibility it exists. I don’t blame you. To be honest, I don’t like to think about it either, especially for my friends and...
Hell seems like an unfair over reaction. Would you tell me more? Sure. It seems like an over reaction in two ways: in terms of who really deserves it and in terms of how severe it is. So, if I understand right, hell seems unjust because of who goes there and because...
It’s really hard for me to imagine God condemning someone to hell when I don’t even see why he would deserve ultimate devotion in the first place. That’s a great question. In the eyes of many I’ve spoken with, God is very ugly: vengeful, angry, serious, controlling,...
That’s hard to imagine, but if such a god existed, I would want to know more. That’s great! It would be very meaningful for me to be with you while you explore. That’s nice… but if you start monologing I may suddenly come up with something important I need to go do....
I’m not sure I have the time right now to read a primary source straight through for myself. What are some sections you suggest I look at? I understand. Hmm… that depends… would you prefer to start by focusing more on his character or his abilities? His character His...
Why would someone even want to consider believing in hell when people who emphasize it are so awful? Sadly, I can appreciate what you’re saying. It makes me think of those who will picket a funeral, or those who have a smug arrogance about their spiritual superiority...
It doesn’t seem reasonable that God could be loving or just and still send people to hell. Ok. Hmm… As best as I know how to explain it, hell is a secondary concept. Hmm… I’m not sure what you mean. Are you saying secondary in terms of order or importance? In terms of...
I have heard things about the Christian concept of hell that really bother me. Wow, a very tough topic. Yeah, it is. You’re a Christian, right? If you mean a screwed up person who loves Jesus and believes the bible, then yes, I am. smile smile Here’s what bothers me...
I struggle to see why we should put any confidence in history since we can’t scientifically prove it actually happened. And when you say ‘scientifically prove’… can you tell me more about what you mean? Well, the scientific method involves repeating experiments…...
I mean that we cannot prove history with absolute certainty. In a normal math theorem for example, we can decisively prove something, right? Right. Well, I don’t see that level of certainty even possible in the area of history. Ah, I see what you mean. Do you find...