What is real?
These conversations relate to the question of what is real. In formal thinking it’s called “ontology.”
What is our origin?
What is our identity?
What is our destiny?
What meaning is there in life?
The conversations here don’t relate to how we arrive at these conclusions, but you can explore those conversations in the “how do we know?” section.
Our understanding of what is real provides the foundations for ethics and morality including (for example) whether there is a supernatural and (if so) what that supernatural is like.
Conversations on “What is real?”
Jesus did not rise from the dead
I have a friend who talks about Jesus a lot and believes strongly that he raised from the dead. Oh? I don’t think he did. Do you think the topic matters very much?I have a friend who talks about Jesus a lot and believes strongly that he raised from the dead.Oh?I don't...
Jesus was a good teacher, but not God
I don’t understand why Christians think Jesus was so much better than other leaders throughout history. Please tell me more? Well, Ghandi, Buddha, and many others contributed to the welfare of society. I think Jesus did as well. He was a good teacher. I just don’t...
God does not deserve our devotion
It’s really hard for me to imagine God condemning someone to hell when I don’t even see why he would deserve ultimate devotion in the first place. That’s a great question. In the eyes of many I’ve spoken with, God is very ugly: vengeful, angry, serious, controlling,...
I have concerns about the concept of hell
I have heard things about the Christian concept of hell that really bother me. Wow, a very tough topic. Yeah, it is. You’re a Christian, right? If you mean a screwed up person who loves Jesus and believes the bible, then yes, I am. smile smile Here’s what bothers me...
There is no objective standard of justice
[the case for no objective standard of justice clarify not talking about government laws, but bigger when we see or experience something that seems unjust, it's not really, objectively unjust. It just seems like it? what should we do with cries of injustice, whether...
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same god?
I heard someone say that Muslims and Christians worship the same god. What do you think? Sounds like a great question. Are you more interested in the words they use, or in their conception of the nature and character of god, or in the deity actually receiving their...
All religions are the same
Do you think that all religions are the same? If so, in what way... in the messages that they teach? Or in their essence, regardless of what they teach?