What should we do?
This topic goes by many names in our day to day conversations: morality, ethics, law, and more. In formal thinking it’s called “axiology.”
It basically says, in light of what is real, what should we do about it?
What is the right thing to do?
What should we do about the many injustices that exist (if such a category exists in the first place)?
It touches on many important applications such as race, gender, the poor, the weak, privilege, and most importantly… love (the action, not the feeling).
Conversations on “What should we do?”
There is no objective standard of justice
[the case for no objective standard of justice clarify not talking about government laws, but bigger when we see or experience something that seems unjust, it's not really, objectively unjust. It just seems like it? what should we do with cries of injustice, whether...
Should people be forgiven for things that they do?
It is hard to watch the news without finding stories of injustice. It brings up the question: should people be forgiven for wrong things they do?small...yes but big, wouldn't that perpetrate future wrongs? not talking about consequences but forgiveness of penalty, esp...
Where does meaning in life come from?
That’s a great question, but it’s rather hard to pin down for everyone. Yeah, I suppose so… sort of like saying “what makes something a hobby?” Right, it’s very subjective. And yet it’s an important question… so many are depressed these days. And even if they weren’t,...
I’m not into supernatural things
Some of my family members are really focused on supernatural things. Really? Yeah, my parents are pretty religious, and I have some cousins who are into crystals and meditation. And what about you? Me… not so much. Please tell me more.Some of my family members are...