How do we know?
These conversations address the issue of how we know what we know about what is real. In formal thinking it’s called “epistemology.”
How do we arrive what is real or true?
Is history only a tale told by the victor?
Where does our cognitive bias come into play in how we perceive, learn, and reason?
How about the influence of our will, emotions and desires?
What is a helpful and accurate theory of knowledge?
Can we know anything at all?
Conversations on “How do we know?”
How can we know what to believe?
I have been thinking about what I believe lately. Hmm… sounds like you’re getting religious. I’m actually thinking more broadly than that… beliefs about everything from science to the supernatural, relationships, investing, etc. Wow, sounds like you want to be a...
We can’t really prove that anything in history actually happened
I’m not sure we can have a lot of confidence in history. Please tell me more? Well, we can’t really prove anything from history actually happened. Ah, I think I am starting to understand what you mean. Mind if I ask a clarifying question? Not at all. Please go ahead....
History is just a story told by the victors
Throughout history, those who were in a position of power could adjust the historical records in their favor. Can we trust history at all? Do you think this is the case with all documents of history or only some?I am beginning to think that history is just a story...